Multan Development Authority Jobs 2020
Job Description
Tap this page for "Multan Development Authority Jobs 2020". Multan Development Authority invites applications from proper and qualified people for the names Stenographer (BPS-15), Draftsman (BPS-14), Sub-Engineer (BPS-14), Mechanical Supervisor (BPS-14), Building Inspector (BPS-11), Junior Clerk (BPS-11), Site Inspector (BPS-11), Accounts Clerk (BPS-11), Patwari (BPS-09), Auto/Machine Electrician (BPS-07), and Electrician (BPS-06). Applicants having required capacities, for instance, ( Matric/ Intermediate/ DAE ) are qualified to apply.
Jobs Location | :: | Multan, Punjab |
Job Category | :: | Government Job |
Education | :: | Matric | FA | BA | DAE | Dcom |
Department | :: | Multan Development Authority |
Publish Date | :: | 9 September 2020 |
Last Date | :: | 23 September 2020 |
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The required capacity for a perceived organization and the basic requirements for significant work experience are as follows. Eligible newcomers are encouraged to apply for the job in the recommended manner. Bad and late registrations/requests will not be made. Newcomers registered at the meeting and election procedures will be welcomed