CTS Jobs 2020 Latest, Public Sector Jobs 2020
Post Name:
- Farash
- Graphic Designer
- Imam
- Interpreter
- IT Technician
- Junior Clerk
- Junior Dispatch Rider
- Junior Security Assistant
- Mali
- Moderator
- Naib Qasid
- Operator
- Proof Reader
- Research Officer
- Sanitary Worker
- Security Technician
- Stenographer
- Technical Assistant
- Telecasting Assistant
- Telecasting Technician
- Telecom Technician
- Telephone Technician
- Urdu Reporter
- Assistant
- Assistant Director
- Assistant Secretary
- Bathroom Attendant
- Bearer
- CareTaker
- Catering Supervisor
- Chowkidar
- Computer Programmer
- Cook
- Deputy Director
- Driver
- English Reporter
- Estate Officer
Primary, Middle, Matric, Intermediate, Bachelor, BS, DAE, Master, MS, M.Phil, LLB, Literate
See here, New CTS Jobs 2020 Latest, Online Application, www.cts.org.pk. The Public Sector Organization publicized testing vocation open doors for the Pakistani Nationals. The Applications are welcomed from appropriate and qualified people for the most recent empty positions. All Interested Candidates having qualifications for the right now distributed occupations in Pakistan, for example, (Primary/Middle/Matric/Intermediate/Bachelor/BS/DAE/Master/MS/M.Phil/LLB/Literate ) are urged to apply. Note Females are required to use as indicated by the given amount.
Last Date: June 9, 2020